from: Prof. Donald T. Kishi 
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy
University of California
Department of Clinical Pharmacy

Words for Japanese Pharmacists 

Albert Schweitzer once said, "The only ones among you who will be really
happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve". The pharmacist's role in society is becoming increasingly important.
There is an increasing need for the pharmacist to serve patients through:

1)Providing ease of access to a health care professional.

2) Assessment and triage of their patient's problems.

3) Counseling patients on their disease states and their prescription medications being used to treat them.

4) Assisting their patients in rational selection and use of OTC, herbs, and dietary supplement drug use

5) Being a source of objective information about prescription, OTC, herbs and dietary supplement medications.

  Serve your patients by keeping their health as your number one priority.

  (ドナルド・キシ教授より) 訳 下平


1) 医療を提供する専門家へのアクセスを容易にすること。

2) 目の前の患者さんの問題点の評価と治療の優先順位を決定すること

3) 患者さんの病態と処方内容に応じた助言をすること

4) OTC、民間薬、栄養補助食品および医薬品のの合理的な選択と使用を助けること

5) 処方薬、OTC、民間薬および栄養補助食品の使用における客観的な情報源となること


Words for Japanese Pharmacy Students

The health care system and pharmacy practice are going through changes and challenges. Changes and challenges create opportunities. For you as future pharmacists, it is your opportunity to develop and implement new services to serve your patients' health care needs today and in the future

1) Ensuring safe, rational, cost-effective drug therapy.

2) Promoting preventive health care.

3) Promoting healthy life styles.

  Keep your patients' health as your number one priority.

(ドナルド・キシ教授より) 訳 下平


1) 安全性で、合理的で費用効率が高い薬物療法の確保

2) 予防的健康管理の普及

3) 健康的なライフスタイルの普及


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